硬核!Apache Hudi中自定义序列化和数据写入逻辑

简介: 硬核!Apache Hudi中自定义序列化和数据写入逻辑

1. 介绍

在Apache Hudi中,Hudi的一条数据使用HoodieRecord这个类表示,其中包含了hoodie的主键,record的分区文件位置,还有今天本文的关键,payload。payload是一个条数据的内容的抽象,决定了同一个主键的数据的增删改查逻辑也决定了其序列化的方式。通过对payload的自定义,可以实现数据的灵活合并,数据的自定义编码序列化等,丰富Hudi现有的语义,提升性能。

2. 场景


?实现同一个主键的数据非row level replace语义的合并,如mvcc语义等?实现同一个主键下多时间戳数据灵活排序的语义?实现输出redo/undo log的效果?实现自定义序列化逻辑

3. 作用方式

首先我们回顾一下一条HoodieRecord在Spark环境中使用RDD API upsert写入MOR表的生命周期。


4. 实现方式

在Hudi中,默认的payload实现是DefaultHoodieRecordPayload,它是OverwriteWithLatestAvroPayload子类。而OverwriteWithLatestAvroPayload这个类继承了BaseAvroPayload并implements HoodieRecordPayload这个接口。



/** * Base class for all AVRO record based payloads, that can be ordered based on a field. */public abstract class BaseAvroPayload implements Serializable {  /**   * Avro data extracted from the source converted to bytes.   */  public final byte[] recordBytes;  /**   * For purposes of preCombining.   */  public final Comparable orderingVal;  /**   * Instantiate {@link BaseAvroPayload}.   *   * @param record      Generic record for the payload.   * @param orderingVal {@link Comparable} to be used in pre combine.   */  public BaseAvroPayload(GenericRecord record, Comparable orderingVal) {    this.recordBytes = record != null ? HoodieAvroUtils.avroToBytes(record) : new byte[0];    this.orderingVal = orderingVal;    if (orderingVal == null) {      throw new HoodieException("Ordering value is null for record: " + record);    }  }}

首先BaseAvroPayload implements了Serializable接口,标志着这个类和它的子类都是为了序列化而设计的,大家在继承的时候需要注意子类相关attribute的可序列化问题。

构造器传入了GenericRecord和一个Comparable的变量。由于Hudi使用avro作为内部的行存序列化格式,所以输入的数据需要以GenericRecord的形式传递给payload。BaseAvroPayload会将数据直接序列化成binary待IO使用。这里的假设是我们只需要做row level操作,直接操作整行的二进制数据毫无疑问是非常高效的,这里的orderingVal是因为基于行级别的record比较在RDBMS的CDC中是非常常见的,所以增加了这个字段。这样处理之后,只需保证comparable的变量也是可序列化的,这个类的所有attribute都已经是可序列化的格式了,使用任意序列化框架直接传输即可。


/** * Every Hoodie table has an implementation of the <code>HoodieRecordPayload</code> This abstracts out callbacks which depend on record specific logic. */@PublicAPIClass(maturity = ApiMaturityLevel.STABLE)public interface HoodieRecordPayload<T extends HoodieRecordPayload> extends Serializable {  /**   * This method is deprecated. Please use this {@link #preCombine(HoodieRecordPayload, Properties)} method.   */  @Deprecated  @PublicAPIMethod(maturity = ApiMaturityLevel.DEPRECATED)  T preCombine(T oldValue);  /**   * When more than one HoodieRecord have the same HoodieKey, this function combines them before attempting to insert/upsert by taking in a property map.   * Implementation can leverage the property to decide their business logic to do preCombine.   *   * @param oldValue   instance of the old {@link HoodieRecordPayload} to be combined with.   * @param properties Payload related properties. For example pass the ordering field(s) name to extract from value in storage.   *   * @return the combined value   */  @PublicAPIMethod(maturity = ApiMaturityLevel.STABLE)  default T preCombine(T oldValue, Properties properties) {    return preCombine(oldValue);  }  /**   * This methods is deprecated. Please refer to {@link #combineAndGetUpdateValue(IndexedRecord, Schema, Properties)} for java docs.   */  @Deprecated  @PublicAPIMethod(maturity = ApiMaturityLevel.DEPRECATED)  Option<IndexedRecord> combineAndGetUpdateValue(IndexedRecord currentValue, Schema schema) throws IOException;  /**   * This methods lets you write custom merging/combining logic to produce new values as a function of current value on storage and whats contained   * in this object. Implementations can leverage properties if required.   * <p>   * eg:   * 1) You are updating counters, you may want to add counts to currentValue and write back updated counts   * 2) You may be reading DB redo logs, and merge them with current image for a database row on storage   * </p>   *   * @param currentValue Current value in storage, to merge/combine this payload with   * @param schema Schema used for record   * @param properties Payload related properties. For example pass the ordering field(s) name to extract from value in storage.   * @return new combined/merged value to be written back to storage. EMPTY to skip writing this record.   */  default Option<IndexedRecord> combineAndGetUpdateValue(IndexedRecord currentValue, Schema schema, Properties properties) throws IOException {    return combineAndGetUpdateValue(currentValue, schema);  }  /**   * This method is deprecated. Refer to {@link #getInsertValue(Schema, Properties)} for java docs.   * @param schema Schema used for record   * @return the {@link IndexedRecord} to be inserted.   */  @Deprecated  @PublicAPIMethod(maturity = ApiMaturityLevel.DEPRECATED)  Option<IndexedRecord> getInsertValue(Schema schema) throws IOException;  /**   * Generates an avro record out of the given HoodieRecordPayload, to be written out to storage. Called when writing a new value for the given   * HoodieKey, wherein there is no existing record in storage to be combined against. (i.e insert) Return EMPTY to skip writing this record.   * Implementations can leverage properties if required.   * @param schema Schema used for record   * @param properties Payload related properties. For example pass the ordering field(s) name to extract from value in storage.   * @return the {@link IndexedRecord} to be inserted.   */  @PublicAPIMethod(maturity = ApiMaturityLevel.STABLE)  default Option<IndexedRecord> getInsertValue(Schema schema, Properties properties) throws IOException {    return getInsertValue(schema);  }  /**   * This method can be used to extract some metadata from HoodieRecordPayload. The metadata is passed to {@code WriteStatus.markSuccess()} and   * {@code WriteStatus.markFailure()} in order to compute some aggregate metrics using the metadata in the context of a write success or failure.   * @return the metadata in the form of Map<String, String> if any.   */  @PublicAPIMethod(maturity = ApiMaturityLevel.STABLE)  default Option<Map<String, String>> getMetadata() {    return Option.empty();  }}


简单来说,preCombine 这个方法定义了两个payload合并的逻辑,在两个场景下会被调用:

1.当deduplicated 开启时,写入的数据两两合并时用到2.在MOR表发生compaction时,两条从log中读取的payload合并时用到3.MOR表使用RT视图读取时

combineAndGetUpdateValue 则定义了写入数据和baseFile中的数据(这里已经被转化成avro的行存格式)的合并方式。通常情况下,这合并逻辑应该和preCombine保持语义上的一致。



1.combineAndGetUpdateValue和getInsertValue返回的都是Option,在这里,如果返回Option.empty(),就是指数据删除的意思。EmptyHoodieRecordPayload 正是这一逻辑的payload表达,如果preCombine的返回结果是删除,则可以返回这个类的实例而hoodie中,在insert和upsert中通过添加_hoodie_is_deleted字段来实现删除的原理,本质上也是在payload中判断到这个字段,就返回空来实现的。2.不论是否继承BaseAvroPayload这个类/是否需要Comparable类型的orderingVal, 最好保留(GenericRecord, Comparable)这个构造器,因为Hudi中存在反射调用创建对象,默认寻找的构造器就是这个。

5. 使用场景

5. 1 Column Level的数据合并

有时候我们希望能够实现两个数据合并时,能够按照每个列的实现不同的合并逻辑。这时候就可以在preCombinecombineAndGetUpdateValue方法中借助schema遍历所有列,然后做不同的处理。如果需要在preCombine中使用Schema,可以在构造器初始化的时候保留GenericRecord中schema的引用。如果发生序列化后的传输,同时又没有使用schema可以序列化的版本(avro 1.8.2中 schema是不可序列化的对象),那么可以从方法中传递的properties中传递的信息构建schema。

public HoodieRecordPayload preCombine(HoodieRecordPayload oldValue, Properties properties) {    if (schema == null) {        this.schema = new Schema.Parser().parse(properties.get(HoodieWriteConfig.AVRO_SCHEMA_STRING.key()));    }    initialSchema(properties);    GenericRecord thisRecord = getInsertValue(schema).get();    GenericRecord otherRecord = oldValue.getInsertValue(schema).get();    List<Schema.Field> fields = schema.getFields();    for (Schema.Field field : fields) {        // logic for each column    }    return new HoodieRecordPayload(thisRecord, orderingVal);}

5.2 实现自定义的序列化方式




6. 总结

本篇文章中我们介绍了Apache Hudi的关键数据抽象payload逻辑,同时介绍了几种关键payload的实现,最后给出基于payload的几种典型应用场景。

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